Video Reel
Video Reel
Belle's Enchantment
Belle's Enchantment
Delias Restaraunt Promo Ad Instagram
Delias Restaraunt Promo Ad Instagram
A Frame Cabin Real Estate
A Frame Cabin Real Estate
Museum of Contemporary Art Arlington highlight reel
Museum of Contemporary Art Arlington highlight reel
The Last of US custom action figure Promo
The Last of US custom action figure Promo
Introduction to Arteless
Introduction to Arteless
Video Reel
Belle's EnchantmentModel: @Figglybuff on Instagram
Delias Restaraunt Promo Ad Instagram
A Frame Cabin Real Estate
Museum of Contemporary Art Arlington highlight reel
The Last of US custom action figure Promo
Introduction to ArtelessArteless Music Video Artist IntroductionShot with: Canon 70d, Canon 5d Mk IILenses: 50 mm f/1.4 Editing programs used: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects CS6 Other Equipment used: Steady Vid DSLR stabilizer. 
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